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Initiated by IDN Media, the Indonesia Millennial Summit is an independent forum for Millennial and Gen Z leaders of Indonesia, fostering a sustainable dialogue with leaders from across the archipelago and various disciplines to spark solutions-oriented collaboration. In 2022, IDN Media is rebuilding confidence and setting the tone to continue the growth path that Indonesia is currently on. This collaborative effort aims to shape and accelerate the bright future of the nation. This logo is inspired by the geometric shape of a chat bubble, a geometric square arranged in levels, and a three-dimensional cube, representing an event dedicated to advancing and solidifying Indonesia's future.


By changing the name of the event from "Indonesia Millennial Summit/IMS" to "Indonesia Millennial and Gen-Z Summit/IMGS", the logo that has been created must be remade with a larger number of letters but still aligned with the previous logo.


Create a more expressive logo design using 3D effects and colors that are aligned with the concept in the previous design, making it less wordy as in the IMGS logo.

Indonesia Millennial Summit is an independent summit by IDN Media committed to Shaping Indonesia’s Future by bringing together leaders from all across the archipelago and across disciplines. It’s the platform for Millennial and Gen Z leaders of Indonesia that creating a sustainable and continuous dialogue to spark solutions-oriented collaboration.

In 2022, IDN Media are rebuilding the confidence and setting the tone to continue the growth path that Indonesia is currently heading. A collaboration effort from Millennial and Gen Z to come back stronger and accelerate the future of Indonesia.


Logo ini terinspirasi dari bentuk geometri bubble chat, bentuk geometri persegi yang tersusun membentuk tingkatan dan bentuk kubus 3 dimensi, yang merepresentasikan event untuk membentuk masa depan Indonesia yang meningkat dan solid.

Logo Exploration
Logo Construction
Logo Transformation
Color Palette & Typography



Head of IDN Creative
Strategic Planner
Event Manager
Graphic Designer

William Utomo
Uni Lubis
Sylvia Sudradjat
Maria Rarahita
Zanila Aqsa
Henry Brown
Reza Febrian


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